VTC Applied Learning - Apply Now

Before Apply
  1. Check out our latest course offerings commencing in 2024 September for upcoming:
  2. Course Duration
    ApL courses are of 180 hours in duration (3 or 4 hours per lesson), and the minimum attendance requirement is 80%
    • S4 cohort: complete in the second semester of Secondary 5.
    • S5 cohort: complete in the first semester of Secondary 6
  3. Medium of Instruction
    Chinese/English (subject to enrolment situation)
  4. Course Fee
    Course fee is fully subsidised by the EDB.
  5. Questions? These might be helpful:

Mode 1: Individual ApplicantYou should make the application to EDB through the secondary school in which you are studying. Each student may take a maximum of two ApL courses. And each class will be from 3 to 4 hours and held on Saturday morning or afternoon at the VTC premises. Summer block may also be arranged subject to the requirement of individual courses.

Mode 2: School ApplicantEach student may take a maximum of two ApL courses. The application is subject to the mutual agreement between schools and the VTC, classes can be conducted on weekdays or Saturdays. Summer block may also be arranged. Class venues can be flexibly arranged at the VTC premises or school premises, subject to the facilities and equipment required for the course.

After Apply

After reviewing your application, we will arrange an interview/online assessment with you. Applicants will be selected according to their interests, aptitudes, abilities etc. The application result will be announced in stages by the EDB to schools.

School Talks

VTC ApL Team can arrange school talks on ApL courses for students, teachers and parents upon request.