VTC Applied Learning - Adapted ApL Courses

For Students with Intellectual Disabilities

As a member of the VTC Group, Shine Skills Centre, has been providing vocational education and skills training for students aged 15 or above with special educational needs for nearly thirty years. The aim is to assist students in developing their potential, enhancing their employability, and enabling them to integrate into the community and become self-reliant. The centre oCers a diverse range of courses for Business, IT, Service, Upskilling, etc.

Since the 2006/08 academic year, in response to the Education Bureau’s development for special education needs, through the Shine Skills Centre, we have been oCering adapted ApL courses specifically designed for students with intellectual disabilities (ID). These courses aim to assist students in continuous learning and enhancing their employability. Through a rigorous quality assurance mechanism, the courses are constantly reviewed and updated.

The adapted ApL courses provide the students with elective options beyond core subjects. These courses allow them to learn foundational knowledge and skills in simulated environments, gain an understanding of occupational health and safety in various industries, and enhance their awareness of diCerent professions and their interests in related fields. The courses also place special emphasis on training students' generic skills, such as communication, critical thinking, interpersonal relationships, and developing positive values and attitudes.

Course Features
  • Facilitating learning through interactive practical training in simulate work environments
  • Emphasising on generic skills & vocational awareness
  • Employing continuous and diversified assessment methods to evaluate students' learning performance.

Graduates who have successfully completed VTC’s adapted ApL courses are eligible to enrol in full-time courses offered by the Shine Skills Centre to continue their studies.